Sometimes things just go wrong. If you're having trouble with the app here's what we suggest.
Check your internet connection
Check to see that you are connected to the internet
We currently do not support offline playback and so if you can't play something, it may be that you don't have internet connection
Close and re-open the app
Try restarting the app. Doing this depends on your device:
iPhone β (X or later)
From the Home screen, swipe up from the bottom of the screen and pause slightly in the middle of the screen. On an iPhone 8 or earlier, double-click the Home button to show your most recently used apps
Swipe right or left to find the app that you want to close.
Swipe up on the app's preview to close the app.
iPhone β (earlier than X)
Double-click the Home button to show your most recently used apps.
Swipe right or left to find the app that you want to close.
Swipe up on the app's preview to close the app.
Android Phone β
Open Settings App.
Scroll down and tap on 'Application Manager'
Scroll down in the 'Downloaded' list and tap the name of the app.
Tap 'Force Stop' to fully close the application on your device.